Ni kesinambungan topik rain, tp petikan ler... sikap yang kite nak blaja kat sini, sikap pemaaf, yang menjadi penutup api kemarahan... enjoy
Do you hate someone? Do you really hate someone? You haven't spoken to him for a while? You've been blaming him? You're not the only one; the Muslim Ummah today is diseased with this to the extent that almost every Muslim knows another Muslim who he hates. The Ummah is like a building with the Muslims as it's bricks,brotherhood is the cement. Without forgiveness you cannot have brotherhood. OK then, he wronged you. He deceived you. He backbited you. He lied to you. But even in these extreme situations the Qur'an and the Hadith teach us that we have to forgive others(especially those who hurt us the most) if we wish to earn the forgiveness of Allah on the day of judgment.
Do you hate someone? Do you really hate someone? You haven't spoken to him for a while? You've been blaming him? You're not the only one; the Muslim Ummah today is diseased with this to the extent that almost every Muslim knows another Muslim who he hates. The Ummah is like a building with the Muslims as it's bricks,brotherhood is the cement. Without forgiveness you cannot have brotherhood.
We have all committed many sins, made many mistakes and no doubt we have
wronged others, we have deceived others, we have backbited others and no doubt we
have lied to others. So what makes us focus onto brothers' and sisters' errors
while we remain unconscious of our own. Not to forgive is like to live in arrogance,
and ignorance of our own shortcomings. Forgiveness is linked with piety and
God-consciousness, is there anybody who is not without sin? Is there anybody
who can be arrogant enough to say that he does not need to forgive? Do we not know
that Allah forgives those who forgive others? Therefore, we should realise the
difficulties of others and forgive them.
Allah says in the Qur'an:
"Be quick in the forgiveness from your Lord, and pardon (all) men -
for Allah loves those who do good."
[Surah ali Imran; 3:133-134]
And we know that Allah Himself is Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Compassionate)and
Ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful) and that His Mercy is infinite, and that no matter the
sin (except shirk) Allah is always willing to answer the person's call for
forgiveness. In fact Allah loves the tear drop that falls from the eye of one who
sincerely seeks the forgiveness of his Lord. And Allah loves us to have hearts that
are ready to forgive.
The Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once asked his companions; "Do you
know what will cause you to have high walled palaces in Paradise (as a symbol of
great reward) and will cause you to be raised byGod?" When they replied in the
negative, he said, "To be forgiving and to control yourself in the face of
provocation, to give justice to the person who was unfair and unjust to you,
to give to someone even though he did not give to you when you were in need and
to keep connection with someone who may not have reciprocated your concern."
Similarly the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said that: "the best of people
are those who are slow to get angry and quick to forgive. On the other hand the
worst of people are those, he said who get angry quickly but are slow to forgive".
The characteristic that makes a person most likely to forgive is the purity
of his or her heart. If we look at the example and the character of the Prophet
(Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) we can see that he was always forgiving and
nevershowed enmity to anyone except those who waged war against him.
This is the example of the man whom we claim to follow.
Thumamah, as the chief of his tribe had killed many Muslims. On his travels, he was
caught by the Muslim soldiers and was taken to the Prophet's masjid and tied to one
of the pillars. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) commanded his
companions to untie him and give him the best food. The Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was indeed a mercy for the worlds.
We should similarly be merciful with each other. First of all, we ourselves
should not do anything to upset our brothers and sisters (because this is in itself
a part of mercy) and then we should forgive those who have upset us or made us
angry. We will never be a strong ummah if we are not able to forgive.
Some might say that to forgive is a sign of weakness and humiliation, and
for them it is better to be strong and preserve their honor. But honor in the eyes
of Allah lies in forgiveness.
"But indeed if any shows patience and forgives that would truly be an exercise of
courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs."
[surah 42:43]
If we are to be really strong then we have to be strong against
Shaytaan and forgive our brothers and sisters, and in this way maybe Allah will
decide inshaallah to forgive ourselves for our many mistakes.
" ...honour in the eyes of Allah lies in forgiveness....."
So, we have a choice la, nak forgive or get angry. Dan kite msg2 tau,
pilihan yang mana betul kan? Petikan ni daripada seorang sedara Islam
yang mengambil berat tentang sedara Islamnye yg lain. Thanks!
aku amat tertarik dgn words, -honour in the eyes of Allah lies in forgiveness-, aku mmg amat bersetuju. so ape yg aku tgk slalu org defend maruah dgn membls dendam. bg diorg, maruah ni bermaksud org tu mesti takut kat diri dia baru dia rasa ada maruah, actually diorg pun tak paham apa yg dimaksudkan dengan maruah itu. so apa2 hal pun bak kata pepatah yg sering didengar, tepuk dada tanya iman.
ye tak ye.. lebih baek kite beramal mulie n memberi kemaafan drpd mmbls dendam (yg smemangny bkn amln mulie).. kui3
memberi kemaafan pada org lain bkn bermaksud kita nie lemah kan?
mmg org yg senang memaafkan org len tu sgt mulia.
So,lets us forgive and forget!
(tp,are u sure u can forget after u forgive someone?)
~bergantung pd diri sendiri
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