Tuesday, February 26, 2008

on failure and aging

Before that, lets talk on what was posted earlier:
Failure :
1. those who thought but never did
2. those who did but never thought
Yeah, it kinda hit you in the head, this thing.
Then we revert back to what we have been taught since forever, about "niat" (purpose), "usaha" (work), "doa" (prayers), "tawakal".

Niat > Usaha > Doa > Tawakal
Niat makes sure we always think before doing something and tawakal on the other hand teaches us to analyse what we gain from whatever we're doing, and it doesn't matter whether we reach the goal or not.
Islam is beautiful isn't it? Even this tiny little thing is made into consideration. Go by its rule and InsyaAllah, the word failure will only be a word. :)

About aging, hmmm... I've decided against being sad by getting older. Might as well embrace aging as it comes. It's true, when you're a small child, life is very much carefree, to have fun day and night but it is after living for so looooong that I learn to start appreciating life. I appreciate that I was once a small child then a teenager (still am, I think) and to top it all, I think now that I'm ready to get older, I wanna fill my days with lotsa lotsa lotsa happiness.
Hargai masa muda untuk masa hadapan yang cerah... :) (tak tau ape kaitan tagline ni)

Saturday, February 23, 2008


"Failures are divided into two classes - those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought."

John Charles Salak
think people, think. heee.